Fair Labor Association - Social compliance program accreditation (brands and suppliers)
Fair Labor Association (FLA) is a collaborative effort of universities, civil society organizations, and socially responsible companies dedicated to protecting workers’ rights around the world. FLA places the onus on companies to voluntarily meet internationally recognized labor standards wherever their products are made.
FLA assesses the compliance programs of Participating Companies, accrediting those in substantial compliance with FLA’s Code. The FLA evaluates company social compliance programs against the 10 standards outlined in the FLA Principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing. Headquarter-level social compliance program assessment information is disclosed publicly once brands and suppliers have achieved FLA accreditation through a simple majority vote of the FLA Board.
Where to Find the Reports: Social compliance program accreditation reports are posted on individual company landing pages (search for company name in fairlabor.org search box)
# and type of entity | 60Brands, Retailers, Suppliers |
Region | Global |
Frequency | Ad hoc |
# of metrics disclosed | 10 |
# of data points gathered per entity | 10 |
Year of first public disclosure | 2005 |
Data collection method | Primary field research, Secondary desk research |
Data verification method | Brand/Retailer Self-Disclosure |On-Site 3rd Party Verification | Desk-Based Verification (entity-submitted docs, public sources) |
Themes evaluated | Adoption of the FLA Principles of Fair Labour and Responsible Sourcing and Production, Data analysis, Employment policy and promotion, Engagement with civil society, Labor administration and inspection, Purchasing practices, Regulatory framework and enforcement, Remediation, Staff and worker training, Supply chain monitoring, Transparency, Tripartite consultation |
Vehicle for disclosure | |
Cost to access | Free |
Intended users of the Disclosure | Workers in factories, Factories and/or suppliers, Brands and retailers, Unions, Governments, Consumers, Investors, NGOs and civil society, Universities |