Better Work Haiti
Better Work is a partnership between the UN’s International Labour Organization, and the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group. Better Work Haiti was set up in 2009 and covers all garment factories and some other manufacturing factories in Haiti exporting to the US market. It engages with workers, employers, and government to improve working conditions and boost competitiveness of the garment industry. The programme conducts learning, training, and assessments.
Better Work conducts unannounced factory assessments in participating factories approximately every 12 months. A confidential assessment report is shared with factory management and with brands and retailers that have subscribed to that factory. In Haiti, the findings of such reports are publicly available in synthesis reports published every 6 months. Factories have the opportunity of uploading unverified responses and additional information to the disclosed findings. In addition, the assessment reports of all factories that have received at least 2 Better Work assessments are available on BFC’s Transparency database.
# and type of entity | 33Factories |
Region | Haiti |
Frequency | Biannually |
# of metrics disclosed | 250 |
# of data points gathered per entity | 250 |
Year of first public disclosure | 2010 |
Data collection method | Primary field research |
Data verification method | On-Site 3rd Party Verification | Crowdsourced: Checked by Better Work |
Themes evaluated | Access denied to Better Work enterprise advisors, Building and fire safety, Child labor, Employment security, Forced labor, Freedom of association / collective bargaining / industrial relations, Gender discrimination, Maternity protection, Non-discrimination/rights protection for: migrant workers, Occupational health and safety, Protection of children and young persons, Sexual harassment, Social security, Wages, Working time |
Vehicle for disclosure | Searchable database |
Cost to access | Free |
Intended users of the Disclosure | Workers in factories, Factories and/or suppliers, Brands and retailers, Unions, Governments, Consumers, Investors, NGOs and civil society, Academia |