WageIndicator Foundation - Collective Bargaining Agreement Database
WageIndicator Foundation aims to assist individual workers and employers with real wage data during negotiations and job search; workers, employers and labour inspectors with comprehensive insight in national Labour Law, and how to comply with the law; and individual workers and employers with problems of daily working life. The national WageIndicator websites function as online, up to date labour market libraries for workers, employers, governments, academics, and media alike.
WageIndicator compiles a global database of Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), which gives access to the original texts of Collective Agreements and to compare clauses at national and international levels. By now, more than 1000 agreements in 56 countries have been archived, coded and published in their national language. WageIndicator social partners report new CBAs to WageIndicator staff.
# and type of entity | 850Agreements |
Region | Global |
Frequency | TBD |
# of metrics disclosed | TBD |
# of data points gathered per entity | 50 |
Year of first public disclosure | 2013 |
Data collection method | Secondary desk research, Crowd-sourcing |
Data verification method | Desk-Based 3rd Party Verification (entity-submitted docs) |
Themes evaluated | Employment policy and promotion, Employment security, Equality issues, Freedom of association / collective bargaining / industrial relations, Maternity protection, Occupational health and safety, Social security, Vocational guidance and training, Wages, Working time |
Vehicle for disclosure | Webpage |
Cost to access | Free |
Intended users of the Disclosure | Workers in factories, Factories and/or suppliers, Brands and retailers, Unions, Governments, NGOs and civil society |